People with good self-control avoid temptations and problem situations, rather than battling with them. ...research confirmed that self-control works most effectively by means of controlling habits, rather than by using willpower for direct control of one’s actions in the heat of the moment. evidence suggests that self-control is most effective when it operates through habits. People use their self-control to break bad habits and establish good ones....
Viewed in that perspective, virtue is best achieved when self-control is exerted so as to establish habits of good behavior. Part of the reason is that using willpower to resist temptation is a strenuous, costly business with unreliable results. Habits are far more reliable than that.
-- Roy Baumeister, Can Virtuous Habits Be Cultivated?
Continue Reading this rather fascinating little article.
Over the last few years, I've noticed some strong correlations in my life with regard to habits, so this stuff has captured my attention a bit. Recently, I've noted these thoughts on 'habits':
Practical Advise on Habits in Our Lives
Habit of Turning, Strength
Thinking & Feeling