Love is like water. It flows. Sometimes like a flood, sometimes like a trickle, but it flows. It's always moving downward, seeping through the cracks. Even when it looks like it just sits there for long periods of time, it never stops. And, just when you're not so sure that its direction isn't just escaping you, it dumps on you again. What you do with it can perpetuate the same for others and then again from them to others beyond...and so on and so flows. Never drying up above you, it provides no reason for it to do so below you (or from you, if you like that phrasing better). You can't out-give love. It always out-gives you.
At times, we want it to bubble back up our way a bit ('just a little', we say). And, perhaps, you can at times find evidence that it does so. But, not primarily. Because it is a flowing thing and it is much bigger in scope and reach than the reverse-ripple we might be tempted to try and create out of it for ourselves.
In the end, there is much more than enough and if we keep ourselves focused on its designs and directions and reaches, we lose pretty quickly our temporary grasps for our little wishes for simple returns.
Love is an unending fountain...that never stops...flowing down over us, through us, and beyond water.