I came around another dirt-beaten bend on a forested path and there they were, hundreds of them. Slender. Tall. Radiant yellow-headed flowers all facing skyward, as if looking for something. Or, praising Someone.
I was running...but not now. I was stopped, in wonder at what all might be going on...in this one sun-drenched spot in an otherwise dense woods. A slight breeze introduced its music to the mix, making the scene as close to a Nature Dance as I've ever seen.
After being transfixed, I continued my run...coming across 2s and 3s of more yellow-heads creeping along the trail. It seemed as if they were headed somewhere...like to the gathering of them I had enjoyed just a few minutes before.
It struck me how not unlike them we are...as we gather together on days like today, to worship. Looking for the Light to warm and fulfill our lives. We take courage by the gathering, of others like and unlike us, and by those striving to get there at various points along their journey.
I wish I had a camera at the time; the radiance of the bright-yellowed scene rhythmically coming both from the earth and heaven at the same time was more than words can capture.
Sometimes we walk together, sometimes alone. But like the yellow-heads, whether we realize it or not, we are reaching upward for the Source of our life.
And, boy is it fun when the music's playin'!