Saturday, April 02, 2011


I have a 4-day weekend this week.  And, I am amazed at what 'space' does for my soul.  I often live so much of the time by schedules, ToDos, things that need to fit everything together.  In other words, packed in.  Long spans of time in this mode are not good for me...I change.  I become something (someone) I'm not.

Space helps me breathe.  It helps me know myself.  It gives me opportunity to be more who I really am.  Like this morning for example, facing the next four days, I awoke with a strong desire to connect with myself, things important to me, by writing.  While many mornings start with a groan about having to crank the engine of getting 'all things done', today I had to force myself to just lay there.  Finally, my desire to write, to explore my thoughts won and I headed off, even happily, to Starbucks to sip and write.

I love 'space'.