We have become so focused on progress, as if everything can be overcome. We can get perpetually better, more able to solve problems...more able to win, with the benefits of progress. Until we realize somewhere along this path, that progress isn't really what we thought it was. It really doesn't overcome everything, or solve or change everything afterall. We find that there are things that we just have to live with, learn to live with.
Perhaps, we should trade in our infatuation for progress for the things we learn along the way that help us to cope with what is not getting better; for the things that help us lean more into what is beside or within us than what is behind us. Perhaps the good habits of life that instruct us how to be alive with what is are more helpful to us than getting beyond our problems and inconveniences. Perhaps they lead us to the understanding of Who is with us in an ever-changing, unchanging world.
I think the saying goes, 'the more things change, the more they stay the same'.
Progress is illusive...and over-rated.