The soul renounced shall abide in the boundlessness of God's life. This is liberty, this is prosperity. The more we lose, the more we gain.
-- Watchman Nee
I love the terminology of 'other' times. It helps me refine my thinking behind our current terminology. It also exposes different eras of emphasis, which I find very valuable as I test what is emphasized in 'my' time.
We've been talking about freedom in high-school Sunday School part of our on-going discussion on the under-pinnings of our Creed. Distinguishing things is an important exercise. For example, distinguishing the working definition of freedom in our culture versus how freedom is described in the scriptures. So Nee's observation that renouncing the soul is liberty, gives me good opportunity for pause and contemplation. His follow-up with losing and gaining is helpful candle-light to what he is getting at...regarding true freedom and true prosperity.