One thing about stars, while once or twice a year on some undistracted evening we 'oooh and aaah'...most of the time we just don't notice them at all, often forgetting they are even there.
And the odd thing is that we...want to be stars, if not to all, at least to those most closely around us, especially family. But more often than not, it seems, we have to live like the stars -- relatively unnoticed...even when shining with a twinkle in our eyes...but still without much thought or reflection from the star-gazers we want to see us.
We feel this from our kids, as they grow older...and try to shine brightly on their own. We feel this from time to time from our spouses or a friend. But in the end, faith teaches us to 'twinkle' on anyway...noticed in the moment or not...because we know that one day our star will be an important one among the many which reflect the hidden beauty and marvels of God. Our star in the midst of His Milky Way; we become content with the momentary opportunity to do our direct twinkle-work every once in a while, when someone we love stops to notice.
May we take our spots in the sky with gratitude and not seek to be brighter than we are.