Saturday, August 07, 2010

A Beautiful Mind

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I've made the most important discovery of my life. It's only in the mysterious equation of love that any logical reasons can be found.

-- John Nash

I've been introducing some movies to my son that have been meaningful to me over the years.  I watched this one again recently, realizing I've forgotten what a great story it is.  I particularly like the choice of love that John's wife makes to reach her husband.

I also have recognized periods of my life where unreal things distort my sense of reality...while not the same issues, they are not unlike what John Nash had to work through. Perhaps the things that tempt us or plague us never really do go completely away -- these thorns in the flesh. But, in retrospect, they do seem to be able to be silenced, even as they continue to wait for opportunity to ensnare us...not unlike the image in Genesis of sin that 'crouches at the door'.  Believing in truth strikes me as a lot like what is depicted in this movie.